Special K

Friday, February 17, 2006

Needing a Day Off

It is amazing, no matter how much you love you job, you still need a day off now and then to recoupe.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Job

It is interesting what children/young adults say when you listen. The other day I was told I was the best teacher, so I asked why. The response surprised me! It wasn't because I was that knowledgeable about English; it wasn't because I could say amazing things; it wasn't because I gave them more or less work than any other teacher...I was because I listen, I truely care about what happens to them, and Because I share parts of my life with them. It is amazing that such a little thing as showing you care can make such a BIG Difference.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


It is amazing that this world can have such pain. How do people survive without God? If I did not have Him in my life, I truely don't think I would still be here.
I am glad that God is a BIG God! I don't know how he knows what we can handle, but He seems to know. I can't believe the strenght He is willing to give to his people.
All Praise to The One True God!